New Pallet Racking

Racking Design

Racking DesignThe best way to save on racking costs is to concentrate on the racking design.We are not referring to the actual design of the racking at the factory but more to the racking design…

Warehouse Racking

Warehouse RackingWe can offer some great deals as we have contacts in some significant shelving users predominantly in the retail sector. We frequently take out shelving from such clients as their…

Choosing the right racking supplier

Choosing the right racking supplier

Locking pins for the pallet racking

Are locking pins needed on racking?

Are locking pins needed on racking?As a standard, pallet racking beams should be fitted with locking pins. This is where forklift trucks or other mechanical aisle equipment are operating. The general…

Can bolts be used instead of beam locking pins?

Can bolts be used instead of beam locking pins?Such instances are varied but maybe the top beams of a Drive-In racking installation, where there are beams in a single beam level bay or the front beam…

Protect It Stackable

Does every pallet racking upright need protection?

Does every pallet racking upright need protection?The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Warehousing and Storage – A guide to health and Safety HSG76 states: Where racking is likely to be struck by…